During the summer, we all take extra care of our skin and eyes, but what about the winter?
Eye bleeding usually refers to bleeding or a ruptured blood vessel involving the tissue layers on the eye's outer surface and is termed .
The novel coronavirus 2019 outbreak has wreaked havoc all over the world. The pandemic had created a lot of pressure on society and the healthcare system.
Excimer Laser is a gas based laser. Even after many improvements, it is not as stable as a fiber based femtosecond laser, MEL 80 Excimer laser requires.
Technology has been around since at least 25 years, Stable Technology, Excellent results (>95% of all eyes are within +/-0.5D), Ability to customize treatments.
Presbyopia is the gradual loss of eyes' ability to focus on nearby objects.It is part of the natural ageing process and affects most of us, usually beginning around the age of 40.